Highs and Lows

One thing that can be said about living in Southern Maryland is that if you don’t like the weather, all you need to do is blink and it will change. That is except in the Winter, because nothing is possibly as depressing as Winter in Maryland. The sky never achieves that blue that you see in the Northern climes, nor does the weather quite achieve the disposition of that in the South where the temperature dips below freezing only on the slightest of occasions. The skies are of bland, grayish hue, irrespective of how close to the expanding town of Waldorf, or the steam-spewing power plant on the outskirts of town. While most folks prayed for the magical “White Christmas”, all that occur was a slight dusting at best and by February the occasional ice storm would knock out the power in the neighborhoods that weren’t benefiting from the newly instituted underground wiring.

Blame it on global warming, if it brings you comfort, but even back in the early ‘80’s it wasn’t an acknowledged phenomenon (it has been said that the global shift hadn’t begun until 1987) and as the astute minds of Hester Hibiscus’ parents could tell you - something wasn’t right in when it came to Winter weather. Darby O’Gill may have referred to La Plata instead of good ‘Ol King Bryan when he said it as the place’s heart was as cold as a wet Christmas.

Five Miles Downrange:

Having a good ‘ol Nor’easter this week here @ JES Campbell. Hope you and yours are safe.


JES Campbell

Indie author of the Pair of Normal Girls Mystery series based on Urban Legends of Southern Maryland with a creepy and paranormal twist.


Happy Valentines…Weekend ?

